Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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The Brazilian national council of APECS is now renewed and gives welcome to the new Council members! The new members will develop their activities between 2016 and 2018 aiming to motivate young polar scientists to study several aspects related to the polar environments, to promote international networks, and to develop polar research, education and outreach activities – which are the APECS-Brazil trademarks!


President: Dr. Juliana Assunção Ivar do Sul
Vice President: Biol. Juliana Silva Souza
1. Secretariat: Adriana R. de Lira Pessoa
2. Secretariat: Ana Olivia de A. Reis
1. Treasurer: Claudineia Lizieri
2. Treasurer: Douglas Lindemann
1. Scientific Coord.: Fernanda Quaglio
2. Scientific Coord.: Adriano Lemos
1. E&O Coord.: Sandra Freiberger Affonso
2. E&O Coord.: Roberta Piuco

New functions in the APECS-Brazil council were created to this new stage. They aim to motivate and improve the talents we have within our members.


1. Project Development Coord.: Erli Schneider Costa
2. Project development Coord.: Gerusa Radichi
1. Postgraduate Actions Coord.: Silvia Dotta
2. Postgraduate Actions Coord.: Claudineia Lizieri
1. Fund-raising Coord.: Thiago Severo
2. Fund-raising Coord.: Sueli Mattos

Active member supporting:

Secretariat - Luiz Antonio da Costa
Scientific Coordination - Rodrigo Alves
E&O Coordination - Alessandra Zaini
Project Development Coordination - Hugo Mariz
Postgraduate Actions Coordination - Ailim Schwambach

We are with our eyes in the future but honoured with our past successes. We are preparing a special conference in 2016 in Brasília, the Brazilian capital. Several challenges certainly will be faced including the current economic crises and the Aedes aegypti epidemic but we are convinced that another successful event is coming!

The International Polar weeks will occur in May and September here in Brazil. Once more the Antarctic and the Arctic environments will go into our children’s classrooms!

Finally, we invited all the polar scientific community to submit their articles in the Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, an international journal that will produce an especial number dedicated to the theme: “Coasts, Oceans and the Cryosphere: Polar Science and the 25-years of the Madrid Protocol”. Are you going to miss this opportunity?


Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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