Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

The Chilean Society of the Cryosphere, (SOCHICRI, Sociedad Chilena de la Criósfera) invites researchers, professionals and students in Chile and abroad to its annual 2019 meeting. The meeting will take place in the city of La Serena, on May 9-10, organized by the Centre for Advanced Studies in Arid Zones (CEAZA).
If you wish to present your research at the meeting, please submit an abstract to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We accept contributions focused on any component of the cryosphere, including field based and theoretical studies, remote sensing, numerical simulations, legal frameworks, impacts, risks, associated water resources, and others. A template for the abstract has been posted on dropbox ( Abstracts can be sent in Spanish or English. Please indicate if you prefer an oral or poster presentation. The deadline for abstract submission is March 15. 
This year, we will organize several workshops that will take place on Friday afternoon (May 10), such as glacier monitoring with drones and geophysical methods. We kindly invite you to indicate your interest in contributing to these workshops, or suggest your own, as soon as possible. 
Registration for the meeting will be opened from March 4 to April 1 with a reduced price of $20.000 CLP (students) and $30.000 CLP (professionals). After April 1, fees increase to $25.000 CLP (students) and $40.000 CLP (professionals).
After the main meeting, a field trip to the upper areas of Río Hurtado Basin will take place on May 11. This activity will be financed independently by the field trip attendants. 
Event details, such as the exact location and program, will be communicated in the following weeks.
We are looking forward to hearing from you! 

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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