Mentor Database
Mentor Database
Klaus Dodds
Royal Holloway University of London
- Education and Outreach
- Interdisciplinary
- Human and Social
- Career Development
Geopolitics, Governance, Security, Popular Culture
- Arctic
- Both Polar Regions
- Global
- Antarctic
I am a polar geographer who works on both polar regions and has published many books, edited collections and articles on the geopolitics and governance of the Arctic and Antarctic. I have also worked for the UK government and the British Parliament on polar matters. In 2014-2015, for example, I served as specialist adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Arctic. The Committee published in 2015 a report on the Arctic entitled, Responding to a Changing Arctic. I have supervised nearly 30 PhD students and mentored post-doctoral staff. I am currently Director of Research at my department at Royal Holloway.
- Mentor Panels
These panels are held at major international conferences and are coordinated by
APECS members. Participation involves a 2-3 hour commitment on the day
of the panel meeting. - Career Development Workshop Sessions
Helping in the coordination and facilitation of sessions at major conferences - One-on-One Mentoring
Email correspondence with APECS members regarding career advice (including
alternative careers in polar/cryospheric issues), research skills, data
management and occasional research-specific discussions/questions. - Reviewing Resumes/CVs and Assisting with Cover Letter Development.
- Telephone/Skype conversations
- Email Exchange
- SCAR Open Science Conferences
- Other