Mentor Database
Mentor Database
- Atmosphere and Climate
- Education and Outreach
- Interdisciplinary
- Terrestrial
- Human and Social
- Arctic
- Alpine
- Both Polar Regions
- Global
Tatiana Vlasova is a leading researcher in Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences where she received her Ph.D. in socio-economic and political geography. She graduated from Moscow State University, Geographical Department as a physical geographer. Her experience in the Arctic is based on the field work and participation in several international multidisciplinary projects such as Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Arctic Resilience Report, Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic, Arctic Social Indicators, Local Health and Environmental Reporting from the Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North (UNEP Grid-Arendal), IASC Taiga-Tundra Interface Project, etc. During the IPY 2007-2008 she served as a member of the IPY Committee of Russia and the Sub Committee on Observations under the WMO-ICSU IPY Joint Committee.
She is the leader of the IPY National Russian project devoted to the construction of the “Integrated Arctic Socially-oriented Observation System” (IASOS) to be a network of observation sites in the Russian North. She is currently the International Arctic Social Science Association (IASSA) councilor and co-chair of the International Geographical Union Cold Regions Environment (IGU CRE) Commission. Tatiana Vlasova is a co-leader of international Arctic Sustainability: a synthesis of Knowledge (ASUS) project under the Arctic Call of the Belmont Forum co-funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and a member of a Steering Committee of the project entitled “Arctic-FROST: Arctic FRontiers Of SusTainability: Resources, Societies, Environments and Development in the Changing North”. Both projects have special initiatives involving Early Career Scholars.
- Mentor Panels
These panels are held at major international conferences and are coordinated by
APECS members. Participation involves a 2-3 hour commitment on the day
of the panel meeting. - Career Development Presentations
Short presentations at conferences/workshops with a question/answer period. - Career Development Workshop Sessions
Helping in the coordination and facilitation of sessions at major conferences - One-on-One Mentoring
Email correspondence with APECS members regarding career advice (including
alternative careers in polar/cryospheric issues), research skills, data
management and occasional research-specific discussions/questions. - Assisting with proposal development
- In-person meetings/conferences/seminars
- Email Exchange
- Arctic Science Summit Week
- International Arctic Social Sciences Assn
- Arctic Frontiers