Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Dear colleagues,

the "Cryospheric Sciences" section of "Frontiers in Earth Sciences" was launched in June 2015, and the first papers have been published.

"Cryospheric Sciences" aims for rapid publication of original, innovative, high-quality research on all aspects of the cryosphere. So far a total of 10 papers including topics on glaciers, ice sheets, sea-ice and permafrost have been published with an average of 3.5 months between first submission and acceptance (when the paper instantaneously is available online).
Around a dozen papers are currently in review.

Selected features of the journal include:
- a wide range of article types
- Submitted or rejected papers are not online at any time.
- an innovative online review system enabling direct discussions between authors, editors and reviewers
- innovative system of impact metrics
- Special issues (so-called 'Research Topics') can be initiated by anybody (Special issues have 25% lower fees).
- FEES are independent of number of pages or use of color, depending only on the article type. Rejected articles are not charged any fees.
Original research papers: $1900; Mini Reviews, Perspectives ... : $875; Opinion ...: $250; Book Review, Commentary ...): free
- COPYRIGHT is retained with the authors.
- Currently there are 17 Associate Editors covering the breadth of cryospheric sciences, and >100 so-called 'Review Editors' who constitute a pool of primary 'go-to reviewers'.

We hope this new journal complements the existing ones in our field. Looking forward to your submissions.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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