University of Oulu is on a right track, but also nationally various issues still require a constant consideration and systematic improvement, as illustrated in EIGE’s gender equality index from 2019.

Today, the 19th of March, is the Day of Equality in Finland. It is also the day of Minna Canth. She is the only woman in Finland, who is commemorated in the form of a national flag day. Minna Canth (1844–1897) was an advocate of women’s rights, who as a writer described women’s daily life and as a journalist brought out societal defects. To learn more about her, watch for example: Finland celebrates equality on Minna Canth Day.

Leena Pääsky, Project planner
Mervi Heikkinen, University Researcher, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Gender in the Arctic Knowledge Production​
Sari Harmoinen, Vice-dean Education

W-STEM -project team at University of Oulu