Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Grad Programme Card

Graduate Programmes

BSc/MSc in Geomorphologie and Environmental Systems of High Mountains

Overarching themes: permafrost, geomorphologie of high mountains, natural hazards and risks, geomorphological mapping, sediment budgets, morphometric analysis of digital imagery.

Research focus:
The main areas of research of the Geomorphology and Environmental Systems group at the University of Bonn lie on mountain permafrost, sediment dynamics, late- and postglacial landscape development, natural hazards, and global environmental change.

Current research projects investigate slope (in-) stability, periglacial (permafrost) processes as well as sediment budgets and dynamics. The application of modern field and lab methods, such as geomorphological mapping, geophysical techniques, absolute age dating, and morphometric DEM analysis are of primary concern.

University of Bonn /Geomorphology and Environmental Systems Research Group
check website
permafrost, geomorphologie of high mountains

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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