The APECS logo can be used to help advertise our events or acknowledge us as a sponsor. Here are a variety of formats for your use. If you are an APECS National Committee, please read 'Use of the APECS logo' here. If you need another format, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
APECS Vector format logo .esp: 600 kB - generally used for high quality printing
APECS High Resolution print format .tif: 6 MB - generally used for high quality printing if you do not have access to something that reads .eps files
APECS web logo .jpg: 16 kB - used for websites, presentations, etc.
APECS web/presentation logo .gif: 78 kB - used for websites, presentations, etc.
APECS 'Snowflake' .jpg: 700 kB - used for bullets in documents or presentations