The aim of the MOSAiC School was to:
- Train and educate the next generation of Arctic system science experts
- Provide support to the MOSAiC teams and
- Communicate the newly gained knowledge experience through MOSAiC Ambassadors’ projects
In practical, the MOSAiC School 2019 was organized in four parts (phase 0 - 3 in the graph):
Phase 0
During the “dry days” in Tromsø/Norway (phase 0 from 16-20 Sept 2019), we focussed on team building, logistical tasks and discussions on challenges on long ship-based expeditions. -
Phase 1
During the journey North (phase 1, 21 Sept-4 Oct 2019), lectures on the MOSAiC themes Atmosphere, Sea Ice, Ocean, Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem, as well as modelling were provided to the participants. You can watch some of the great lectures on our APECS vimeo channel. -
Phase 2
Once the central MOSAiC ice floe was identified at around 85°N, all 20 participants were working on the ice to help setting up the distributed network of scientific stations around the central floe (phase 2, 5t-18 Oct 2019). Additionally they were involved in logistic support (such as (un)loading and snowmachine driving), as well as ice and bear watch. -
Phase 3
On the return journey South (phase 3, 19-28 Oct 2019), lectures on science communication were given by journalists and educators, and all participants were working on the MOSAiC Ambassadors projects. During the full year of the MOSAiC Expedition, the participants of the MOSAiC School will communicate their gained knowledge and experience to their institutions, home countries and beyond.
For a special impression on the MOSAiC School, please see 1-second-per day-snapshot by MOSAiC Ambassador Rosalie McKay:
MOSAiC School in 52 seconds by Rosalie McKay from APECS Webinars on Vimeo.