Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS Webinars


Session Chairs:
Allen Pope – University of Cambridge, UK
Oliver Marsh – University of Canterbury, New Zealand


The Past (and Future) Loss of the ?West Antarctic Ice Sheet
--- Richard Alley, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Glacier Contributions to Sea-Level: Arctic Canada Awakes
--- Martin Sharp, University of Alberta, Canada and Chair, International Arctic Science Committee Cryosphere Working Group

Origin of Surface undulations at the Kamb Stream Grounding Line, West Antarctica
--- Fiona Seifert, Portland State University, USA?
Mass Balance in the Grounding Zone of the Beardmore Glacier, Antarctica Based on Satellite and Ground Based Remote Sensing Measurements
--- Oliver Marsh, University of Canterbury, New Zealand?
Ice Shelf Basal Mass Balance from Borehole Thermometry
--- Tore Hatterman, Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway

Video Recording and Editing Team:
Sam German and Jenny Baeseman

Special thanks to Daniela Liggett and the University of Canterbury for hosting this session and to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) for funding of the editing, and to Norden for funding the project.

About the APECS Virtual Poster Session

This recording is part of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) effort focuses on bringing the concept of the poster presentation beyond the four walls of the conference hall and creates an online database of polar research poster publications. This project allows members with similar goals and interests to exchange information and assures a platform for the exchange of Arctic, Antarctic and Cryospheric research, policy, and education activities that are Shaping the Future of Polar Research. APECS is leading an effort towards e-conferences among polar researchers where participants can present their research findings to an international audience through web-based settings using the APECS website. As part of this project regular online virtual poster sessions are held.

Research Presentations
  • Arctic
  • Antarctic
APECS Virtual Poster Session 2010 - 2012

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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