Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Polar Week logo2 01It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words and good graphics are a vital component of disseminating research. During the APECS International Polar Week Fall 2016, we are organising a figure competition, where everyone will be able to vote for the most eye-catching, informative and inspiring figures. We are looking for figures in the broadest sense of the word (infographics, cartoons, figures for journals etc.) which capture either the overall theme of your research or a particular finding in pictorial format. Entries may be submitted with a caption, but please try to keep text to a minimum. If you want to participate by sending a figure, send it to and we will upload it for you on our website.  What to submit for each picture?

  • Name, affiliation and email address 
  • Caption (if needed). If the figure is already published please send the source link.
  • Permission for APECS to use the picture on its website.


  1. Ensure text is legible without zooming in (minimum recommended font size: 14pt)
  2. All common image formats accepted
  3. Ensure colour scheme is suitable for the colour blind. Refer ColorBrewer 2.0 for colourblind friendly colourmaps.

Voting has now closed to see the winning entries click here!

Click on the figure in the table to view a larger version. 

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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