Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The CAFF-IASC Science-Policy Fellowships were created to help early- to mid-career professionals build experience and advance understanding of the science-policy interface. We are looking for two CAFF-IASC Fellows. In cooperation with CAFF and IASC, fellows will identify a joint area of interest and expertise, participate in and contribute to CAFF’s work, and produce a culminating deliverable to enrich decision-making in their chosen field.

This year's areas of interest are:

The duration of the CAFF-IASC Fellowships will be one year. Each Fellow will begin by attending the Arctic Science Summit Week 2020, March 27-April 2 in Akureyri, Iceland. Afterwards, Fellows will attend appropriate project meetings, and CAFF Board meetings. As appropriate, Fellows will continue working with their CAFF programs to develop a final deliverable.

CAFF-IASC Required Travel

During their appointment, at a minimum, both CAFF-IASC Fellows will be expected to attend the following meetings:

  • Arctic Science Summit Week 2020 (27-30 April 2020; Akureyri, Iceland)
  • One CAFF working group meeting (TBD)
  • CAFF Biennial meeting (February 2021)
  • Regular teleconferences for the project steering group

Travel support to attend meetings for each Fellow during their Fellowships will be made available through CAFF and IASC. The travel support is the only financial remuneration for the Fellows. Salary is not compensated for during the Fellowship.

CAFF-IASC Fellowship Deliverables

  • Fellows will help deliver reports and other communications products as identified by the project and/or CAFF Secretariat.
  • Fellows will deliver program feedback and evaluations on the Fellowship and may be asked to input into evaluations of their respective programs.
  • Fellows will identify, develop and finalize a deliverable that aims to enrich decision-making in their chosen respective projects.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
Further Sponsors and Partners for APECS projects, activities and events