Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Outreach Catalogue
Alianait! Arts Festival
- General public
Nunavut's Artcirq Inuit Performance Collective premiered their new work, Oatiaroi, at the Alianait Arts Festival in Iqaluit in June 2008. Oatiaroi is a 60-minute theatre production and means "wait" in Inuktitut. The performers communicate the impact of climate change from an Inuit perspective. The dramatic show incorporates circus arts, theater, and traditional Inuit storytelling. IPY funding supported the logistics, including travel, accommodations and technical requirements for the performance. The funding was also used to put on two circus workshops in Iqaluit which were attended by 150 youth and 20 adults in the community. The show will reach more Canadians still through their summer 2009 performances in Toronto, Inuvik and Montreal. In addition, Artcirq has reached international audiences through their performances in France in 2008 and online broadcasts. Oatiaroi is a creative approach to raising awareness about climate change in the Canadian Arctic and the Inuit experience.
- Community Event
Iqaluit Music Society, Alianait Arts Festival
Yes, all of it
Canadian IPY EOC report