Association of Polar Early Career Scientists



Polar Outreach Catalogue

Solarhringur - the circle of the sun
  • General public
Solarhringur means the circle of the sun, or 24 hours, in Icelandic. This 12-minute video is a record of the passage of time, and the transient qualities of the ever-changing weather and light that is particularly evident in Iceland. The seascape's high and low tides - the origin of the word time - reveal a larger cycle within the motion of a day, and recall a time not measured by the clock, but by natural systems. This juxtaposition of time scales points to both ephemera and enduring cycles. The inspiration for this work began when Houston and Tremblay took a voyage to the Arctic that originated in Iceland. Iceland's geographical position particularly lends itself to reflect upon our perception of and relationship to our ever-changing natural world.
  • Film - feature or documentary

McGill University
Canada, Iceland
no timeline given
Oslo Science Conference

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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