Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar Outreach Catalogue
Polar science textbook to hang on the wall
- Educators, Teachers
- Students - in general
Why, and how, are the polar regions and polar research important to all people on Earth.This is the question addressed by a series of five classroom posters developed by UNEP/GRID-Arendal with support from IPY. Teachers, pupils and other interested parties can download these eye-catching, informative and educational posters free of charge from a dedicated website.The aim is to enhance schoolchildren’s knowledge about polar research and the International Polar Year. The posters may be downloaded in several formats and certain graphic elements from the posters may be downloaded as well. The website also features links to more information about the issues presented in the posters as well as to other reference materials. The posters are available in both English and Norwegian versions.
- Poster - conference or institutional
Both Poles
Yes, all of it
English, Norwegian
Norwegian IPY report