Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


publications card

APECS Publications

Some young Brazilians researches (APECS members) have contributed with this informative. The objective is to disseminate the APECS history in Brazil and also divulgate the mainly researches development by our young scientists in the Brazilian Antarctic Program.
J.A. Ivar do Sul (1), E.S. Costa (2,3), R. Kerr (4), A.S. Alencar (3), M.H. Almeida (2, 5), E.A. Santos (3), J. Costi (4), R. Vieira (6), T. Wilberger (7)
1 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE. Brasil.
2 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
3 Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
4 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande, Brasil.
5 International Polar Year
International Education, Outreach and Communication Committee.
6 Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Campos de Goytacazes, Brasil.
7 Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo, Brasil.
  • Peer Reviewed Journal Article
  • Other
Oecologia Australis
J.A. Ivar do Sul, E.S. Costa, R. Kerr, A.S. Alencar, M.H. Almeida, E.A. Santos, J. Costi, R. Vieira, T. Wilberger. (2011). Crossing the Drake Passage: from Brazil to Antarctica with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS-Brazil). Oecologia Australis, 15: 177-181.
  • Yes
It was a product of a collaboration among Brazilian APECS Council, after the I Workshop APECS Brazil.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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