APECS Webinars
APECS Webinars
Bridging the Gap: Indigenous, Social and Natural Science Perspectives on Research Relationships in Nordic Countries
Gail Fondahl (1), Gunhild Ninis Rosqvist (2)
(1) IASSA President, University of Northern British Columbia
(2) Stockholm University, Sweden and Tarfala Research Station
Every story has at least two sides. The story of climate change research in Nordic communities has three. This webinar is intended to highlight the main communication challenges faced by natural scientists, as well as social scientists, in their community-based research efforts. As well, it seeks to highlight Indigenous perspectives on how to open a successful dialogue and begin to overcome challenges.
In this webinar, you will be introduced to the fundamental issues that can hinder cross-communication between social scientists, natural scientists and members of indigenous communities in Nordic regions. When communication is compromised, relevant knowledge and evidence from indigenous sources can be left out of scientific considerations, and the validity of findings can be compromised in turn. Climate change is a problem that impacts us all, so it is essential to start working together to find solutions we can share.
- Arctic
The APECS Nordic Project "Bridging Early Career Researchers and Indigenous Peoples in Nordic Countries" conducted by APECS in 2013-2015 and funded in part by the Nordic Council of Ministers' Arctic Cooperation Programme, featured a series of six webinars. The webinar series identified current research challenges from the perspective of ECRs and Indigenous peoples and aimed to define potential solutions to overcome these existing challenges to communication and other research issues.
The webinar series was organized by Jocelyn Torma (University of Waterloo, Canada) and Yulia Zaika (Khibiny educational and scientific base MSU, Faculty of Geography M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia). For more information go to the APECS Nordic Project and APECS Nordic Webinars websites.