Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


skypeMaria Comandolli Lira School (Rondonia, Brazil) has been participating in the International Polar Weeks since September 2012. With APECs-Brazil and APECS-Spain, this School has been developing the project "The Amazon goes to the Arctic and Antarctica" idealized by Núbia Caramello (APECs-Brazil: Coordinator of Education and Outreach). As part of this project, teleconferences with researchers from Rio de Janeiro (APECs-Brazil), APECS Portugal and Spain have taken place, helping the kids understand the importance of local preservation. 

SBTIn 2013 (August 28 to September 1), the Second Symposium on Water Resources and the First International Polar Seminar in the Amazon held in Rondonia, had the participation of APECS Vice-secretary - Spain (Francyne Elias-Piera) and Secretary of APECs-Brazil ( Elaine Alves ), spreading APECS word also on radio and on TV.

A talk on the Exploitation of Natural Resources in Antarctica, including water, was given ​​for the diverse audience of the symposium (researchers , political leaders, children, farmers and people of the community). About 200 people took part every day during the 05 days of the event.

During the Polar Seminar, the President of APECs-Brazil (Erli S. Costa), members of APECS (Miriam Hebling Almeida ) and APECS Portugal researchers (Jose Xavier, João Canario and Sílvia Lourenço) also took part actively giving presentations via teleconference. The presentation themes were: "A brief history of APECS", "Life in a Polar Boat" and "How is a polar researcher born?", and were presented by APECS members.

The members of APECS-Spain and APECS-Brazil also talked about the activities of the association in FACIMED (Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Cacoal - Rondonia ) encouraging Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Management students to become young polar researchers.

Now, for Antarctica Day, about 3 schools in Rondonia will be taking part.

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
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