Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


For the occasion of Belgium’s hosting of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM; 20-29 May), where the Antarctic Treaty and Environmental Protocol are discussed and determined, APECS (the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists) Belgium organized a 2 day education and outreach event for the wider audience. Young scientists were determined to transfer their enthusiasm about the poles and science in general to others.

This event took place in the beautiful setting of the old stables of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, which has a large and stunning atrium. Here people could learn more about the poles through experiments, games, lectures, documentaries and a live connection with researchers at the South Pole. Representatives of various Belgian universities, The botanical garden of Meise, the International Polar Foundation, the New Belgica project, teachers and invited guest speakers helped to make this a great event that was enjoyed by an estimated 400 people.

Guest speakers included representatives of Norway, Portugal and Brazil. Brazil is hosting the ATCM meeting in 2014 and APECS Brazil is keen of hosting a similar outreach event. A representative of APECS Bulgaria was also present to learn how to organize such a science fair.  Hopefully this will be the start of a log series of education and outreach event organised by APECS national committees

This event was organized with the kind support of the Belgian Science Policy Office and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. 

ATCM APECS Belgium Science Fair1

Penguin Game in action

ATCM APECS Belgium Science Fair2

New Belgica stand

ATCM APECS Belgium Science Fair3

Francesca Pasotti (Ugent) shows marine organisms

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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