Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


In the context of the COP21 that occured in December 2015 and on the idea of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, the foundation Yves Rocher, under the aegis of the Foundation of France, created a special "Climate" award to its prize "Women of the Earth" 2016. On March 3rd 2016, the APECS-France association, led by a board of women, received in Paris this award for the organization of the French Polar Week, that sensitizes thousands of children about polar sciences.

This award is an amazing recognition for the energy and time given by all the young polar researchers, and a strong encouragement to pursue the educational initiatives : this endowment will allow APECS-France to organize its very first physical Polar Week event, in October 2016.

Congratulations to all !!

APECS France Yves Rocher Foundation Award

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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