Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


IMG 4589APECS Canada Logo webTo have a local ECR presence at the Haines Junction Mountain Festival, we had Marney Paradis (APECS Canada), Ellorie McKnight (previously APECS Council), and myself (APECS Canada) organize and host an APECS booth in the atrium of the Haines Junction Convention Centre. We had APECS promotional materials (posters, brochures) available, researcher updates from three different research groups that work in the Kluane region, a slideshow of research photos, and a button-making activity. The buttons were a big hit with adults and kids alike leaving a booth with a hand drawn button, photo of local plants or animals, or a small section of a local map! It was great to share more about APECS with Mountain Fest attendees and grow our northern Canadian presence. Thanks to APECS for helping us with promotional materials, Team Shrub at University of Edinburgh for the photos, Dr. Gwenn Flowers at SFU for photos/research handout, Ellorie for the help and research updates, and Marney for the help and the amazing button art activity! Looking forward to more outreach events in Canada's northern territories, stay tuned!

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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