Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


iasc webAPECS 10 year logoASSW2017logoEarly-Career Workshop at Arctic Science Summit Week, Prague: “Inter-disciplinary coordination and multi-stakeholder cooperation through the notion of ‘boundary objects’”

Time: Thursday 6.4.2017, First Part: 14.-15.30, Second Part: 16-17.30
Place: The Virgo Room

This early-career workshop introduces one specific way to approach inter-disciplinary coordination and multi-stakeholder cooperation in the Arctic. It consists of two parts. The first part is a round table-session with talks by three early-career and three senior-scientists about their experiences in multi-disciplinary or multi-stakeholder communication between participants from different social worlds. The second part is a workshop-session where early-career scientists exercise communicating their own work, interests and goals to different audiences by using the insights of the notion of ‘boundary objects’ from Science Technology Studies.

Participants who register with Dr. Justiina Dahl (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 30.03.2017 will be sent a workshop information package upon registration. Registration is, however, not mandatory and pop-ins are welcome.

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Huginbakken 14
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