Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Thank you for all the great submissions to the APECS International Polar Week Photo Contest 2017! After all the votes are in, we are happy to announce the three winners:

1st Prize in the "PolarPeople in action" category: Stefano Ambroso (Institut de ciencies del mar (CSIC), Spain

This is an expression of the hard work that Polarstern crew does daily on-board. The scientific team want to thank all of them because their work is essential for our investigation. The photo was taken on board of the german icebreaker Polarstern in the Weddell Sea during the expedition ANT XXIX/9 in January 2014.

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1st Prize in the "PolarPeople & wilflife" category: Gabriela Roldan (Gateway Antarctica, University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

'A tune for Adelia', the sound of a violin in the cold silence of Antarctica was enigmatic to the Adelie penguin. January 2015

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1st Prize in the "PolarPeople at home" category: Elizabeth Erickson (University of California, Santa Barbara, United States)

Enjoying a snack break and rest after cutting ice blocks to build the kitchen walls. Antarctic home life. Ross Sea Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 1 November 2016

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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