Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


PEI Webinar Polar Week KopieAPECS - PEI Polar Week Webinar: Kids are not your peer reviewer

24 September at 19:00 GMT

Speaker: Julia Dooley (Polar Educators International)

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If a six-year old can talk about a Tyrannosaurus and describe how it differs from a Stegosaurus, they can engage with some of the big ideas in your research. You just have to remember they are not your typical science audience. Julia Dooley, President of Polar Educators International and Primary level teacher of Gifted and Talented students will share a few teacher tools, and ideas for making your classroom visits engaging, and actually a little fun.

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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