Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


arctic frontiers old logo1My first trip to beautiful Tromsø, Norway was in January 2008 for the Arctic Frontiers Conference. I had no idea then that a year later APECS would be hosted here at the University of Tromsø and the "Paris of the North" would become my home – but I am very glad it did.

Arctic Frontiers is a great annual conference that brings together policy makers and scientists to discuss issues on the forefront of Arctic matters. In addition, every year the conference, together with the ARCTOS PhD School, host a Young Scientist Forum that is offered for credit through the University of Tromsø. This forum is open to young researchers from all countries and disciplines and often comes with travel fellowships. Young Scientists attend the conference and special workshops, as well as a week long marine cruise where they learn techniques and skills and are accompanied by young artists, writers, and musicians. This is a great way to 'get your feet wet' in the natural and physical sciences as well as learning how social sciences are a key component in Arctic research. For more information about the Arctic Frontiers meeting and the Young Scientists Forum, visit:

Living in the High North 24-29 January 2010

Policy development - Northern societies in a changing natural environment

Science conference
* Part I: Ice and climate, including paleoclimate.
* Part II: Sustainable communities in the High North; economy, well-being including health issues, and self-governance
* Part III: Marine Biodiversity under change
* Part IV: Frontiers in E-learning of the High North

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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