Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


For those of you who followed the amazing Students on Ice Arctic 2009 Expedition you know that we had an amazing few weeks on board the Lyubov Orlova. This was my first 'cruise', so I have a whole new appreciation for you polar marine researchers! There are some great videos on the site that really capture the awesomeness of the Canadian Arctic and the wonderful and warm people living there.

After only being back here in Tromsø for a few days, I had the pleasure of showing 2 US students from American University around campus and shared with them the fun of the Tromsø nightlife. These two students had won an essay contest sponsored by the Norwegian Embassy in Washington D.C. Read about their Norwegian Arctic Adventure.

This gives me the perfect opportunity to tell you about the great Norwegian Embassies around the world. Embassies are the perfect place to find information when you are thinking about moving to a new country, and when looking for travel funding to develop new international research partnerships. The Norwegians have a plethora of great insights and helpful suggestions to make visiting Norway, and moving here a lot easier. If you are planning to attend the Oslo IPY Science Conference in June 2010, this site will also be helpful to find out about visa information. Check out your local Norwegian Embassy.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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