Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


"Make use of chances that come your way."

Diana Magens (Alfred Wegener Institute) organized a successul career panel at the recent Antarctic Climate Evolution Symposium in Grenada, Spain. 5 panelists shared their experiences with more than twenty students in a well-received and lively session. Emphasis within these presentations was put towards how certain decisions were made on the way and what the role of mentors was for each of the panelists. Since there were four female panelists, the question of what happens to the partner and family during the stages of a career was an important aspect as well. Various pieces of advice were given by the panelists ranging from the importance of getting your papers out over how to learn to cope with failures such as proposal rejection and how to deal with being nervous before talks or the fact that science develops and you have to develop your expertise with it.

Thanks to the SCAR-ACE program and the ACE organizing committee for their generous support of the panel discussion.

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