Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


In November, the APECS Director, Jenny Baeseman, was invited to present our great organization at the World Science Forum in Budapest, Hungary. The World Science Forum, organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in partnership with UNESCO and ICSU was held in Budapest on 5-7 November 2009. The Forum focused on "Knowledge and Future".

APECS was invited to speak in the "Science and Youth" session, coordinate by the World Academy of Young Scientists (WAYS). You can watch a webcast recording of Dr. Baeseman's Speech here.

Mandë Holford wrote a great summary of this session which can be found here. Below is a short excerpt pertaining to the APECS contribution to this session:

"In order to build local capacity in communities, the best inroads are through education, communication and engagement. As Gaell Mainguy pointed out, information that is not accessible in an open network has limited use. In our session of science and youth open science networks that are not only challenging the rules of academic recognition and funding, but are also offering great potential for collaborative research and creativity were presented. One in particular, the APECS network represented by Jenny Baeseman, illustrates the power and potential of the Internet via open sourced networks. APECS combines established and emerging researchers via a mentorship network that ensures that young scientists are able to find opportunities; brings them into key positions so that they will be seen and given credit, fostering activities that allow young scientists to progress in their careers.

In the discussion portion of the session, an audience member asked Jenny Baeseman where is there a place for young scientists given the increasing life expectancy of senior researchers? Jenny's response brilliantly illustrates why buy in from national governments and changes in science policy toward funding science is essential. Jenny responded when you train a scientist you're not only training an academic, as not all scientist become laboratory researchers. Scientific training opens doors for the individual not just to academia, but also to administrative positions, in government, policy, industry, and beyond. At the same time, those pursuing science should not feel as though they must leave science for lack of opportunities in science."

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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