Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Contributed by: Shelley MacDonell, Jorge Marín and José Araos

As part of the ‘Ice and climate change: A view from the South’ conference held by the Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia, Chile, a panel discussion was held to consider ‘Careers in glaciology: research and opportunities.’ Over seventy keen young scientists turned up to have their questions answered from places as far away as New Zealand, USA, and Europe, not to mention a healthy number of Chilenos. The ‘expert panel’ consisted of Andrés Rivera (Chile), Christina Hulbe (USA), Konrad Steffen (USA), Vladimir Ryabinin (Switzerland), Michael Zemp (Switzerland) and Shelley MacDonell (Chile). In addition, the success of the workshop was heightened thanks to the other ‘experts’ dotted through the crowd, and a written contribution from Eric Rignot (USA). A big thankyou is owed to the Climate and Cryosphere Project (CliC) and the Centro de Estudios Cientificos for providing the space, translators and (most importantly) lunch!

To view a related article in the Chilean newspaper Latercera click here

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