Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


What could provide a better location to inspire young polar researchers than Tromsø’s own Polaria? On the evening of May 5th, thirty-five young researchers came together to build on the successful symposium held in March 2010. The evening’s theme focused on how to network, overcome challenges, and succeeding as young scientist in today’s academic community. Dr. Martin Biuw from the Norwegian Polar Institute and Dr. Kirsten Krause from the University of Tromsø gave presentations based on their rich research experience. This was followed by a period of questions, answers, and discussions over the enjoyment of free waffles!

The first key message in both presentations promoted conducting research abroad. This was seen as an invaluable opportunity to gain international contacts and learn new research methods. Jumping at new and exciting opportunities capsulated the enthusiasm young researchers need to adapt in a changing job market that ignores borders and—as Dr. Biuw’s experience demonstrated—can land you on an isolated Sub-Antarctic island! (Which for most may not sound like a good thing, but for us polar researchers its a dream come true!) Finally, both presenters emphasized having positive and open communication with senior researchers. The evening was a success in bringing together young researchers to learn how to direct and develop their future careers in polar research.

We would like to thank Drs. Biuw and Krause for sharing their experiences with us and Polaria for providing such a perfect venue. A special thanks also to Silje-Kristin Jensen and Dana Bellis for helping to coordinate this great evening!

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
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