Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


On September 20, 2010 over 30 students and researchers came together at the UKPN’s Circumpolar Remote Sensing Workshop hosted by Cambridge University’s Scott Polar Research Institute.

For the handouts, PDFs, and videos go to the UKPN website. All uploads aren't quite complete but will be updated in the coming days. Sessions included:

Freely Available GIS and Remote Sensing Resources for Polar Research
Adrian Fox, British Antarctic Survey

Innovation in Imaging Antarctica
Peter Fretwell, British Antarctic Survey

Airborne LiDAR for Glaciology
Gareth Rees, Scott Polar Research Institute

Real-time Reception and Analysis of Satellite Data
Ken Dean, University of Alaska

Environmental impacts of extractive industries in the Russian North and how they look from space
Gareth Rees, Scott Polar Research Institute

Remote sensing to address mapping needs for environmental management in Antarctica
Colin Harris, Environmental Research and Assessment

Causes and Consequences Ice Shelf Retreat in Antarctica
Hamish Pritchard, British Antarctic Survey

In addition, five panelists from universities, research institutes, and a remote sensing consultancy also sat on a career discussion panel to help attendees answer questions about moving forward in their journey to move from early career to more experienced. They stressed the importance of building your skill set throughout your career, making connections in your research community, and always making sure to have fun and play with your data.

Many thanks to our presenters and panelists: Fiona Danks, Ken Dean, Adrian Fox, Peter Fretwell, Colin Harris, Hamish Pritchard, and Gareth Rees.

We would very much like to thank our supporters the Earth Observation Tech Cluster (, Environmental Research & Assessment, and the 11th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium.

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