Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Whale watching worldwide 11-12 December Tokyo, Japan

 Pictures: from Jensens presentation titled 'drop the harpoon - whale watching in Norway' which is a symbol on how Norway 

is using old whaling vessels to go whale watching in Norway

In December Silje-Kristin Jensen attended an international whale watching conference called 'whale watching worldwide' arranged by the International Fund of Animal Welfare (IFAW) at the UN University in Tokyo, Japan.  Jensen contributed with a talk about how whaling and whale watching can co-excist in Norway representing APECS Norway. Sharing information about APECS together with oportunities for whale watching in Norway was a great success.

Whale watching operators from USA, Caribbean, Norway, Iceland and Japan attended this two-days conference. The conference focused on laying important groundwork for the continued growth in whale watching activity in Japan and worldwide.

For more information about whale watching worldwide click here.

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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