Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The 2011 ‘APECS Virtual Poster Sessions’ started out with a “Get to know APECS” session in January, which took place on Thursday the 27th of January at 16 GMT.

ExCom member Angelika Renner introduces the APECS governance and recent updates; Penelope Wagner (Discipline Coordinator for Geophysics and Sea Ice) guides through the APECS webpage, and shows important features including research activities. Sílvia Lourenço talks about the National Committees, what they do and opportunities to get involved on the example of APECS Portugal. Alexey Pavlov (Discipline Coordinator for Oceanography) informs about advantages helping with APECS and how to combine being involved in regards to time constrains and lack of funding. Jennifer Provencher (APECS Education and Outreach) explains what is going on in the APECS E&O field and how to get involved in Education and Outreach opportunities through APECS; and Kim Jochum (Research Activities Committee chair) deeper explains who and what APECS actually is.

For all that missed this great oppotunity, the link to the recording:

The Virtual Poster Session (VPS) Working Group

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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