Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


On Friday January 28, APECS arranged a Research Funding Workshop as part of the Young Scientist Forum at the Arctic Frontiers Conference. Over 100 participants attended together with five mentors.The workshop was chaired by APECS Council Chair Silje-Kristin Jensen.

The Norwegian Research Council, Svalbard Science Forum, European Research Council, Fulbright and United Nations University Japan attended the workshop. Each organization gave a presentation about their opportunities to apply for funding.

After the presentations Dr. Paul Renaud was invited to give a talk about tips and tricks on how to write proposal and did that in an excellent way and sharing his experience from the US, Sweden and Norway where he has been working. At the end of the workshop a panel was held with invited mentors together with the organizations to have an open forum with questions from the participants. Each mentor received a gift given by the Institute of Marine Research and The Norwegian Polar Insititute

A social event was arranged after the workshop where 60 participant attended with pizza and refreshments sponsored by Akvaplan Niva, ICE, Center for Ice, Climate and Ecosystems, Ica and Coop prix.


Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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