Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


During the Arctic Science Summit Week 2011 there will be an Information Meeting on the new international pan-Arctic network “Arctic in Rapid Transition (ART)” on March 30, 2011 from 13:30-14:00. The ART network aims to fulfill the need for an improved multidisciplinary and cross-timescales understanding of climate-related changes in Arctic marine ecosystems. ART’s broad focus is on past, present and future transitions in sea-ice, and how they are related to changes in marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry of the Arctic Ocean. ART was initiated in 2008 by early career scientists and is endorsed by the Marine Working Group of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the former Arctic Ocean Sciences Board. The complete ART Science and Implementation Plans are available at

ART will be implemented via a three-phase approach. The implementation approach proposed for ART will partly rely on the successful integration and collaboration with scientific programs that are already active. The legacy of ART will be a robust set of predictive tools that will contribute to a reinforcement of Arctic marine sciences into global assessments of impacts of climate change and increased human activity in the Earth System.

Phase I of ART is beginning now! The development of an active multi-disciplinary network of scientists required to tackle the questions highlighted in the ART Science Plan will be achieved through dedicated science symposia, and sessions at international meetings. The first dedicated symposium entitled “Arctic sea-ice transitions in space and time and the impacts on marine ecosystems” will be held at the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN) in Sopot, Poland in autumn 2012. A central theme of this symposium will be the synthesis and modelling of marine ecosystem processes in relation to changing ice conditions across the Arctic Ocean.

The success of ART requires the involvement of marine scientists from all sectors and disciplines. To learn more about ART and to get involved, you are welcome to join the ART Information Meeting at the ASSW 2011!

For further information about the ART, please go to

Or contact:
Carolyn Wegner
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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