Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


youngscientistlogo4January has been a packed month with lots of planning and great events. The highlight for me and many other young researchers was the Arctic Frontiers Conference here in Tromsø.  This year APECS joined the team of organizations organizing the Young Scientist Forum and helped to add many new activities to the line up. This months newsletter features many of these activities.

The Young Scientist Forum was started by ARCTOS a few years ago, as a PhD course that incorporated students participating in the conference and then a few days of a proposal writing workshop in Lofoten.  This year we added a few more things: a video making workshop where students made 5 1-minute great videos about Arctic Science, a workshop on the importance of strengthening the science collaboration between Norway and Russia, the screening of a global warming comedy called Sizzle (by Randy Olson - Scientist turned film-maker), a speed dating night with some great mentors, a lecture on communicating your science, another lecture on thinking beyond the lab through entrepreneurship, a full afternoon for a research funding workshop featuring people from the Research Council of Norway, Marie Curie, and the Fulbright Foundation -and a great lecture by Paul Renaud (these will be online soon)… and the proposal writing course in Lofoten.

It was an amazing 2 weeks here in Tromsø and we are looking forward to more create events for next year - so mark your calendars!

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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