Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


In the beginning of April, an Arctic Science Summit Week 2011 (ASSW) took place in Seoul, South Korea. This year traditional business meetings were complemented by a 3 day scientific symposium entitled "The Arctic: New frontier for Global Science".

Following the experience of previous conferences (e.g. IPY Oslo conference, Arctic Frontiers 2011), a joint effort between APECS and International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) resulted in the Award for Outstanding Oral and Poster presentations given by Early Career Scientists.

Presentations were evaluated on 3 main criteria:

  • Overall Scientific Content and Quality
  • Graphics, clarity and logical flow, connection with the audience and answer to questions
  • How well the presenter related their specific research results to the broader audience

The overall comments from the judges were very good and it was a very difficult decision in the end - which showed that the future of Arctic Researcher is shaping up to be very bright!

Our congratulations to Award Winners!

Best oral presentation:
Gijs de Boer
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
The Arctic Atmosphere in CCSM4: Evaluation of key variables
Best poster presentations:
Kazutoshi Sato
JAMSTEC/Hirosaki University, Japan
Change in cloud-base height over the ice-free Arctic Ocean during autumn
Hye Min Kim
Korea Polar Research Institute, South Korea
Microbial Diversity of the Active Layer Soil from the Canadian High Arctic

In addition to diplomas, IASC has provided the winners with a very nice prize – free registration to the Arctic Science Summit Week in Poland in 2013, which will definitely encourage these outstanding young researchers to continue to work and share their follow-up work in Poland. 

Alexey Pavlov, an APECS representative to the Scientific Steering Committee of the Symposium at ASSW 2011 and
Volker Rachold, an IASC Executive Secretary during the Award Ceremony (Photo: KOPRI)

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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