Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


On Wednesday, 27 March 2011 a Career Development Workshop was held in conjunction with the IceCube South Pole Neutrino Detector Celebration and Science Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. The two-hour workshop had 15 participants, primarily early career scientists from around the world who were involved in the IceCube project. The workshop was packed with presentations and activities which included an overview of education, outreach, and communication; tips for writing broader impacts; creating an elevator speech; connecting with educators; and tips and tricks for science presentations.

Mentors and presenters included Jim Madsen, University of Wisconsin River Falls; Louise Huffman, ANDRILL and University of Nebraska Lincoln; Megan Madsen, University of Wisconsin Science Communications Student; and Kristin Timm, PolarTREC and Arctic Research Consortium of the US. At the end of a long day of meetings, participants enjoyed the free pizza and the informal and interactive presentations. One participant expressed that the workshop, “made me excited to go to classrooms and want to talk to younger audiences.”

Each participant received a copy of the book, Polar Science and Global Climate: An International Resource for Education and Outreach, as a resource for future endeavors.

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