Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Glaciology in NorwayHappy Glaciology Month APECS members and colleagues.

Norway has a long history of glaciology research, probably because it has 1593 glaciers, including Jostedalsbreen - the largest glacier on the European continent. If you are traveling to Norway, you should be sure to check out the Norsk BreMuseum (Norwegian Glacier Museum) and Ulltveit-Moe Climate Centre where you can walk out onto this amazing piece of ice.

Be sure to check out the number of institutes in Norway that deal with Glaciology… may are looking to hire researchers like you! These can be found at the World Data Centre for Glaciology's website:

One more fun Norway glacier piece of info to pass along (and there are many more) - Norway maintains the most extensive mass balance program in the world and is largely funded by the hydropower industry. Mass balance measurements are currently performed on twelve glaciers in Norway. In southern Norway six of the glaciers have been measured for 42 consecutive years or more, and they constitute a west-east profile reaching from the very maritime Ålfotbreen Glacier, close to the western coast, to the very continental Gråsubreen Glacier, in the eastern part of Jotunheimen (which means the Home of Giants in English). Storbreen Glacier in Jotunheimen has been measured for a longer period of time than any other glacier in Norway, a total of over 55 years, while Engabreen Glacier has the longest series (35 years) in northern Norway. The Norwegian program is where the traditional methods of mass balance measurement were largely derived. Taken from

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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