Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Svalbard Science ForumSummer here in Tromsø is wonderful - and July is usually one of the best months as we have the most sunny days. This is also true for the fabulous island to the North of us... Svalbard. This magical place is currently teaming with life, not only plants and animals, but human life as many of our members and other researchers are helping to better understand what is happening on Svalbard.  There is so much great research happening on Svalbard and we encourage you to check out a great program that pulls all this information together, and the data is publicly available... We also have a video recording from these fabulous folks that you might enjoy.

The Svalbard Science Forum promotes Svalbard as international research platform. It gives information about infrastructure, logistics, research stations, application for permits procedure etc. It organizes workshops to improve coordination of research and provides funding - Arctic Field Grant - to carry out fieldwork in Svalbard (primarily for MSc and PhD students, but also researchers). SSF is hosting the Research in Svalbard database (RiS) which is an archive for all research activities in Svalbard since 1998, including projects, data sets and publications. RiS is developing into a unified project planning and administration tool combining all information, application for permissions, and booking of research facilities (currently only in Ny-Ålesund with potential for further expansion). SSF is chaired by the Research Council of Norway.

In fall 2012, thanks to the funding of Svalbard Science Forum and the Research Council of Norway, APECS and Climate and Cryosphere project (CliC) will work on development of Svalbard Early Career Researcher Network including organization of a workshop dedicated to research, logistics, infrastructure and life on Svalbard.


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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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