Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


epb logo desktop 2015The European Polar Board, in cooperation with APECS, is seeking 4 rapporteurs to take minutes during their upcoming Autumn Plenary Meeting, to be held at La Cristalera, near Madrid, Spain on 20 - 21 November 2018. This meeting will include both normal order of business, as well as a retreat where the EPB Members will discuss implementation of their Strategy. For an early career researcher, this is a fairly unique opportunity to know how an international organisation works on a regular basis, as well as how it views, sets and reviews medium and long term goals.

The note taking will be for two full days (20th and 21st Nov), working with the EPB Secretariat. There will be a mixture of Plenary and breakout sessions, where you will have to work both in teams and by yourself. Cleaned and formatted notes should be provided to the EPB Secretariat within two days of the end of meeting. Transport to La Cristalera will be provided. Due to the fast moving nature of the meeting, it is desirable to have (1) a very high command of the English language, (2) some prior experience of rapporteuring or note taking, and (3) some knowledge of international polar organisations.

A short online meeting between the selected rapporteurs and the EPB Secretariat will be held during the week prior to the meeting to clarify duties and go over the meeting agenda.

The EPB will provide for the selected rapporteur:

  • Return flights or travel expenses up to €200 to get to Madrid (reaching Madrid daytime on the 19th Nov, and leaving Madrid on 22nd Nov)
  • Transport to meeting venue from Madrid, accommodation and meals from evening 19th Nov to Lunch 22nd Nov will be provided to the rapporteurs
  • Additional € 80 to cover any extra costs incurred (with receipts).

The copies of all receipts must be provided for the EPB to reimburse any expenses.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please provide a one-page CV and a 500 word statement detailing your previous experience as a rapporteur and motivation to attend no later than Monday 8 October 2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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