Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


January is coming soon and with it the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø, Norway, between January 20 and 24!

 During the Arctic Frontiers conference, you are invited to exciting events where you can present your ideas and research results during the poster session. There, the best presenters compete for the traditional APECS poster awards. The poster sessions will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Clarion Hotel The Edge.

We also invite you to a panel debate on scientific publishing. The panel will focus how publications affect early career scientists; how to judge their quality, how to navigate between discussions about open access and alternative ways of publishing, and how this will affect publications-based judgements of early career scientists (e.g. for applications for future positions and funding). 

The panel debate is scheduled for Tuesday, January 22, 18:30-19:30 o´clock at Fram Centre. We have invited 3 panelists (see below) with diverse backgrounds to include a variety of different angles, to trigger discussions and to exchange experiences. The panel will be open to all interested early career scientists. Please bring your own non-alcoholic (!) beverages and snacks or dinner to-go! 

More information can be found in the APECS Event Calendar and on the Arctic Frontiers conference program.



Kathrin Helen Hopmann

Kathrin is Associate Professor in Computational Chemistry at UiT. She is investigating and developing organometallic catalysts for conversion of biomass and CO2 to products with higher value. Since 2014, Kathrin is leading her own research group at UiT, the CHOCO group. She is also leading the Nordic Consortium for CO2 Conversion and is Principal Investigator in the Hylleraas Centre of Excellence. Since 2018, she is Associate Editor for the ACS Journal Organometallics.

Helle Valborg Goldman

Since 1998 Helle is the Chief Editor of Polar Research, the Norwegian Polar Institute's international peer-reviewed journal. Before becoming a publication expert, she developed a background in social anthropology and conservation studies.

Tom Arne Rydningen

Tom Arne is Associate Professor at the Department of Geosciences at UiT. His research is focused on high-latitude continental margins, including onset and evaluation of ocean current, glacial history as well as quantification of erosion and sedimentation rates. He is also very active in teaching Bachelor and Master level courses in Marine Geology. 

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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