Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


The USAPECS panel "Navigating your early career and beyond" was held in the Career Center Theater at AGU on 9 December 2019.

We had four panelists: 
Dr. Ellyn Enderlin: Assistant Professor, Department of Geophysics, Boise State University
Dr. Billy Armstrong: Assistant Professor, Department of Geological & Environmental Science, Appalachian State University
Dr. Sarah Evans: Assistant Professor, Department of Geological & Environmental Science, Appalachian State University
Dr. Ginny Catania: Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin

We had a number of prepared questions, including some submitted on Twitter, and started out with those. Then we took questions from the audience, which was made of about 42 attendees. Topics included dealing with discrimination as a woman and as a mother, how to deal with the difficulties of day-long interviews, maintaining a work-life balance, growing a network of collaborators, and determining if outreach activities are actually valued by your department.

We will have a blog post coming out in January that includes a summary.

Navigating your early career and beyond panel US APECS

© Mariama Dryak

Author: Erika Schreiber

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Huginbakken 14
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