Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


APECS Portugal Polar Week September 2014The polar week in Portugal carried out between 28 September to 5 October 2014 (and bringing individual initiatives from the previous Polar Week) was entirely devoted to the mission of bringing polar science to the general public and in particular to the classroom. During these days, a total of 45245 students, 147 teachers and 13 scientists and educators from Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Chile, USA and UK came together and dedicated themselves to the polar regions, sharing knowledge, experiences and discussing emerging issues.

Coordinated by APECS Portugal and Polar Educators International, with the endorsement of the Portuguese Polar Program (PROPOLAR), developed numerous activities, including talks in schools and universities (total: 34 talks), skype conferences (6), talks in shopping centers (4), mini-courses (3) and study visits to Universities (1). In parallel there was also the photographic exhibition "Within the limits of science" who has been following the country's schools and shopping centers which has been a great success. It should be highlighted the collaboration between APECS Portugal and APECS Brazil with the participation of portuguese scientists in Brazil Polar Week, held a week before, during the II Workshop of Career Development and III APECS-Brazil Symposium.

These were intense days full of interest enabling students to new knowledge and experience and leading scientists to adjust their language and develop communication skills.

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APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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