Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


103 Vural Deniz Pixabay Polar Week September 2020 Photo ContestAs for the past International Polar Weeks we are inviting all APECS members to participate in the #PolarWeekPhoto competition, taking place during September Polar Week from 20th - 26th. Please submit a picture you took in the Arctic, Antarctic or alpine areas. The picture can be documenting polar landscapes, animals and organisms, fieldwork, even experiments/lab work resulting from your fieldwork…, whatever you would like to share about your polar experiences!

Get inspired by the March Polar Week 2020 Photo Competition picture gallery and check out the Polar Week September webpage.

© Deniz Vural/Pixabay


Here is what you have to do to participate:

  1. Pick your best Arctic/Antarctic/alpine photo;
  2. Fill out this form to submit your image and all necessary information:
    1. Name, affiliation and email of the person entering the competition
    2. A short description of your photo (150 characters maximum)
    3. Let us know if you are interested in your image being featured on our APECS Instagram (@apecs.polar) or Twitter (@Polar_Research) account.Include your handle, if you like.
  3. Spread the word about the APECS International Polar Week and hope that your photo gets the most votes! 

The deadline for submission is 18th of September 2020, 23:59 GMT. The vote will take place during the Polar Week and the photo getting the most votes will be the winner! Good Luck.

By submitting your photo, you agreed to follow the rules and regulations, see below. 


Rules and Regulations:

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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