Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


There is nothing more constant than change, as Heraklit once said...

With a sad and with a laughing eye we say Goodbye to our precious project officers in the APECS International Directorate, Lisa Grosfeld and Andrea Schneider.

With a crying eye, because they have provided great support for several years and helped with lots of small and big tasks to keep the office running smoothly. Lisa and Andrea both always created a positive working environment and kept us smiling and happy even in hectic times.

Andrea has worked for the EU projects APPLICATE and INTERACT II and maintained an additional project office at the UiT The Arctic University of Norway which is now coming to an end as well. We thank UiT for their yearlong support of APECS.

We also say goodbye with a laughing eye, as we are happy for you to take on new tasks and challenges; and happy for other colleagues now working with you.

The APECS Office will miss you for sure...

andrea schneiderLisa Grosfeld cut

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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