Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


ARCTIC FRONTIERS Logo new 2013Here is a great opportunity for you to gain some leadership experience from the APECS partner - the Arctic Frontiers conference!

Arctic Frontiers 2015 will be held at the University of Tromsø, Norway from 18 - 23 January 2015. The theme of the conference is "Climate and Energy". Arctic Frontiers is a major Arctic forum that brings together science, industry and policy. As with previous years the policy section will run for the first two days (19 - 20 January) followed but three days of science section (21 - 23 January). The science section will have three parts:

Part 1: Climate change in the Arctic - global implications: The Arctic is subject to significant climate change. What are the major physical mechanics involved in Arctic climate change, how do we monitor them and how do we interpret them? What kinds of implications does the warming have in the Arctic, and on other parts of the globe?

Part 2: Ecological winners and losers in future Arctic marine ecosystems: A wide perspective on a suite of relevant ecological issues subjected to climate change will be illuminated. In particular attention will be drawn to the polar night ecology and how life cycle of organisms may change with an early ice melt and late freezing period. How will advection of warm Atlantic water change the production regime in the gateways to the Arctic Ocean? How will microbiology, of far less studied in the Arctic Ocean, react to warming, increased melting ice, more stratification and more light? How will the function of the marginal ice zone change as ice get thinner and withdraws earlier towards the North Pole?

Part 3: The Arctic's role in the global energy supply and security: The global demand of energy is increasing and at the same time the world is working to reduce the level of CO2 emissions. Fossil energy is expected to remain the dominating energy source and new resources are made available through shale oil and gas. At the same time a number of renewable energy sources are on the rise. What are the assumptions on the global energy mix of the future? The Arctic is rich in both carbon based and renewable sources of energy, some easy to produce and transport and some more challenging. The energy potential in the High North must compete for investments globally. What will the Arctic's role be in the future global energy supply and security picture?

We are very happy to announce that APECS has been asked to nominate for each of the three parts one early career researcher to join the scientific committees (3 early career researchers in total) for Arctic Frontiers 2015. No special travel funding can be provided by the Arctic Frontiers secretariat but the three early career researchers will receive free registration.

We encourage all early career researchers to apply for this opportunity - so feel free to pass this along to others you know. If you are interested to take this opportunity please send your CV and a Statement of Interest (including why you are interested in this opportunity, which part you would be interested in joining and why you fit scientifically within that part) to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 19th, 2014. All applications will be considered by the APECS Director, members of the APECS Executive Committee and representatives of Arctic Frontiers.

Should you have any questions please contact Gerlis Fugmann at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. More about the Arctic Frontiers conference at

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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