Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


We had a productive council call on Monday March 24, 2014. We welcomed two new council members Laura Fergusson and Laura Kelvin, both joined the 2013-2014 Council this month. They bring their social science and communication expertise to the council. With many council members on the call we were able to hear updates from the 3 subcommittees (RAC; EOC; MIC), the website working group, exciting projects from the Polar Educators International (PEI), and what is coming through the pipeline to the Council from the Excom. Several different opportunities came up during the call, from helping with upcoming Research Features, revamping APECS promotional material, and the MIC is still looking for a new co-chair! Also the Council term reports summary is now available. At a glance see the full range of activities and initiatives that our council members have been busy with over the last quarter. This document also shows the upcoming events or conferences that our members are planning on attending. Its a good way to see if there are others are going to a conference that you are planning on attending and check if there is an opportunity to plan an associated APECS event!... it can be as simple as networking beers ;)

To learn more, you can read the full meeting minutes on the council update page.

Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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APECS Directorate Sponsor
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