Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


March, 1st 2014, Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal

APECS Portugal Workshop March 2014The role of the polar scientists in the classroom was the motto for the national workshop Education & Science organized by IMAR-CMA (University of Coimbra) and Education and Citizenship Institute. The earlier career researchers of APECS Portugal were present in the scientific and international network sessions. The earlier careers showed their work in several research areas and how those themes can be introduced in the classroom. The discussion, the networking and the sharing of experiences between the earlier careers and the teachers was intense and fruitful during all day. In the end of the day, two main ideas emerged. First of all, taking the scientists to the classroom and bringing the students to our laboratories increases effectively the interest of the younger generations in the scientific fields; And secondly, the introduction of scientific work to the classroom enhance greatly the critical sense in the students and all the school community.  

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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