Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


iasc webThe International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), together with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), have the pleasure to announce the start of the second edition of the IASC Fellowship Program. Early 2015, during the selection process managed by the IASC in close cooperation with APECS, five successful early career scientists were chosen from over 96 applicants. The reviewers were impressed by the amount and extremely high quality of the applications.

The IASC Fellows 2015-2016 are:

- Jo Browse, University of Leeds, UK (Atmosphere WG)
- Robert Way, University of Ottawa, Canada (Cryosphere WG)
- Kristina Brown, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA (Marine WG)
- Adrian Vlakhov, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia (Social and Human WG)
- Josefine Lenz, University of Potsdam and Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany (Terrestrial WG)

The Fellows will actively participate in the activities of the WGs both scientifically and organizationally. They will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the workings of IASC and further develop their own skills and scientific network. The Fellows will receive travel support to attend the ASSW 2015 and 2016, and also travel funding to participate in selected workshops or other meetings of the WG they belong to.

More information about the IASC Fellowship Program can be found under

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Huginbakken 14
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